Course Content
Digital Lessons
About Lesson



The length of time that we recommend members of each team spend on this topic are as follows:


Alpha – 20 days

Bravo – 15 days

Charlie – 12 days

Delta – 9 days

Echo – 7 days


Happy learning!

Learning Objectives

Create a precedence table for a given list of activities

Describe what an activity network is

Draw an activity network for a given precedence table

Create a precedence table for a given activity network

Understand the purpose of a dummy activity

State what is meant by the early time of an event

State what is meant by the late time of an event

Use the critical path method to find the early and late times of events

Find the float of a given activity

State what is meant by a critical activity

Find the critical paths(s) of a given activity network

Use the critical path method to find the critical time of a network

Draw a Gantt chart for a given activity network

Find the lower bound of workers need to complete a project in the critical time

Use a Gantt chart to determine what activities are/may be being done on a particular day 

Draw a scheduling chart that minimises the number of workers

Draw a scheduling chart that minimises the project delay




precedence table



activity network

dummy activity

early time

late time

critical activity

critical path


forward pass

backward pass

critical path method

critical path analysis

lower bound

Gantt chart

critical time

scheduling chart

